Exhibitors 2023

Result for TAG "Artificial Intelligence"

Giosuè Caliano, Francesca Mariani

The PICUS is a dedicated "tester" for restorers for rapid diagnosis at low cost.

  F13 (pav. 6F.13)

Matteo Beccatelli

Plantvoice helps farmers save water and maximize production, thanks to real-time plant sap reading.

Marco Ciarletti

Irrigate only when the crop needs it. Saves water, money and resources at the cost of a coffee a day

Marco De Spirito, Giuseppe Maulucci, Giada Bianchetti, Cassandra Serantoni, Alessia Riente, Alessio Albetino

A tool for real time and personalized improvement in cardiovascular fitness

Team di Optometria Roma Tre


Denis Oliviero, Giuseppe Pirillo, Gaetano Carlino, Salvatore Sgariglia, Antonio Amato

RoboButts is a mobile robot equipped with a robotic arm with the purpose of collecting cigarette butts.

E. Menegatti, L.Tonin, S. Tortora, A. Del Felice, A. Pretto, S. Ghidoni, R. Carli, G. Rosati, G. Boschetti

This booth hosts the joint exhibition of all the research laboratories of the University of Padova active in the field of robotics.

  D8 (pav. 5D.08)

HULKs - Hamburg University of Technology

Roccer Robot Players from RoboCup SPL - Team HULKs, Hamburg University of Technology

  A10 (pav. 5A.10)

Cristian Vendra

Sanitron is the most effective solution on the market for sanitizing shopping trolley handles, positioned directly between the rows of stored trolleys.

  A14 (pav. 6A.14)

Sapienza Flight Team

The project brings together a group of students from various Sapienza departments to realize UAVs for internationals universities Competitions.

Sapienza Technology Team

We build planetary rovers with manipulators to participate in international competitions, using AI the rover autonomously perform martian missions and collect samples.

  G9 (pav. 3G.09)

Alberto Greco, Alessio Iannizzotto, Roberto Garofalo

An advanced system for the monitoring of psychophysiological status to prevent physical and psychological injuries at workplaces.

Pasquale Pepe e Agnello Pepe

Shadow Project is a program that thanks to the A.I. it is able to convert the movements inside the videos, in a replicable file and accessible by robots that can replicate it and save it in memory.

  E7 (pav. 3E.07)

Ing. Gabriele Burnelli

The Magic Box is a device that can be used to increase safety in scientific laboratories by reducing electrical risks

Giovanni Ammirati, Luca Cernia, Emanuele Lauro, Davide Ferrauto

Sigma is a controlled environment where players take the role of citizens in a virtual world and evolve their characters.

Alessio Morale

Slammer: An open-source, autonomous rover, developed as a project to learn robotics

  D6 (pav. 5D.06)

Kseniya Lenarciak, Davide De Marchi, Max Lenarciak

SLY monitoring as a service solution combines ultra-early detection using on-the-ground edge AI sensors and predictive modelling of fire risk.


A robot with artificial intelligence capable of monitoring and acting on the malfunction and structure of the wind turbine blade.

NaoDevils - TU Dortmund University

The team Nao Devils participates in the RoboCup competition playing 7vs7 soccer games with fully autonomous robots.

  A10 (pav. 5A.10)

Ferrarini Fabio , Paolo Cirinei , Leonardo Pacini ,

MARRtina the first Italian social robot is able to communicate with people and show social behaviors by interacting through the voice, facial expressions and body movement.

Dropper S.R.L.

Innovative radar-based system for real-time urban pedestrian traffic monitoring, enhancing safety and urban planning capabilities in crowded environments.

Spark Srl

Autonomous rover for archeological operations that explores and creates 3D maps of inaccessible sites using AI algorithms.

Fondazione ITS BACT - Studenti corso “Tecnico Superiore per la Conduzione del Cantiere di Restauro Architettonico”

Human – Machine Collaboration - Industry 5.0, Hi-Tech modular system composed of glove, drone, microscope and APP enhanced with IoT devices and ML Artificial Intelligence to identify the type of degradation and material in the Restoration of Cultural Heritage.


Star2Fit, the online training platform with AI

  A1 (pav. 7A.01)

IIS Marconi Civitavecchia

Yet another weathering station… but really different! A multidisciplinary approach from MicroPython to Artificial Intelligence and Virtual Reality.

Storykube S.R.L. / Ottavio Fogliata, Sara Riscica, Filippo Satolli

Storykube is the Safe AI assistant for business success. It generates content and images, analyzes documents, simplifies work and maximizes productivity.

  D2 (pav. 3D.02)

Tech4All s.r.l.

An application for the inclusion of people with Specific Learning Disorders.

  D6 (pav. 6D.06)

Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale DII, Università di Trento

New class of sustainable robotic technologies: mobile, flexible, collaborative, wearable with sustainable and multifunctional materials to reduce the environmental impact.

Nicola Quattrone, Alessandro Mattioli, Rosario Santoro, Roberto Zanichelli, Roberta Irardi, Diego Sebastiani, Federico Mazzaglia

In Swipe Mobility, we design more compact micromobility vehicles to improve the quality and environmental impact of last-mile urban transportation.


Syntesi is an advanced summarization solution based on semantic understanding, designed specifically for the newspaper industry.

  A7 (pav. 5A.07)

Claudio La Rosa e Cesare di Mauro

Artificial intelligence. IoT. Human Brain Simulation. Supercomputing. Overcoming Moore's law. All this in an innovative project!

Franco M. Battagello, Michela Mascia, Ivano Basile, Marco Granati, Federica Saponaro, Fulvio Petti.

Multi-channel integrated solution of A.I. digital models to manage criticalities and climate change challenges. The current focus is on Agritech: viticulture.

Roberto Simmarano

This smart wearable patch is part of a kit for AI health diagnostic devices, offering diverse physiological measurements and data processing capabilities

Massimiliana Carello and the Politecnico di Torino Teams

The Politecnico di Torino presents the most important students Teams involved in sustainability, ecological aspect, low consumption, mobility, recycle, reducing environmental impact and promoting circular economy.

Carlotta Marinai, Lucia Arcarisi, Francesca Giannetti, Nicola Carbonaro and Alessandro Tognetti

Transformed COPD with Healthcare 4.0. Explore the sensor kit: wearable device daytime, smart-mattress cover for unobtrusive sleep analysis at night!

Daniele Miorandi, Giulia Boato, Diego Taglioni, Rossana Bartolacelli, Stefano Tavonatti, Antonio Luigi Stefani, Luca Zardini

Artificial Intelligence and blockchain against deepfakes on social media

  A1 (pav. 5A.01)

Annamaria Gerardino (CNR-IFN), Francesca Romana Bertani (CNR-IFN); Luca Businaro (CNR-IFN); Fabio Chiarello (CNR-IFN);

We use spectroscopy, i.e. light analysis, to understand the characteristics of products and verify what they contain

Gruppo ITIS Q.SELLA Biella - ProgressusLab

VirtualProSkills is an innovative project that provides hands-on experience in professional fields through virtual reality simulation.

Dott. Juri Taborri, Prof. Giuseppe Calabrò, Dott. Andrea Zingoni, Dott. Michele Materazzini

La realtà virtuale e l'intelligenza artificiale per creare un ambiente educativo accessibile e inclusivo per studenti con disturbi dell'apprendimento.


AI-supported tele-rehabilitation to monitor the patient in the post-therapy phase, for any age.

  B19 (pav. 6B.19)


Whoplays is a match organiser that helps sportsmen and women to easily organise a sports event and sports centres to run the centre and grow their business.

Manuela Quaglietti, Emiliano Gatti

We create and create sustainable and original and technological "things", beautiful to wear or exhibit, made of wood, these objects are able to communicate data, messages and emotions.

Lucrezia Grassi, Carmine Tommaso Recchiuto, Antonio Sgorbissa

Caring AI & Robotics: An autonomous robot promoting inclusive and engaging group conversations.

Data updated on 2024-05-13 - 11.24.21 am